Dernière version : 28 septembre, 2023

Volatility Connectedness Analysis

Total Connectedness Index (TCI)

Connectedness Measures

Pairwise Connectedness Measures

Net Pairwise Connectedness Measures

Total Connectedness Index (TCI)

Consumer Discr. (CD)

Consumer Staples (CS)

Energy (E)

Financials (F)

Health Care (HC)

Industrials (I)

Information Technology (IT)

Materials (M)

Real Estate (RE)

Utilities (U)


Connectedness Table: Connectedness table proves central for understanding the various connectedness measures and ther relationships. Its main upper-left NxN block contains the variance decomposition (variance decomposition matrix). From a connectedness perspective, they measure pairwise directional connectedness. The connectedness table makes clear how one begin with the most disaggregated connectedness measures and aggregate them in a various ways to obtain macroeconomic economy-wide total directional and total connectedness.
Pairwise Connectedness Graph: Pairwise Connected Graph is a stringball representation of pairwise directional connectedness.
Net Pairwise Connectedness Graph: Net Pairwise Connected Graph is a stringball representation of net pairwise directional connectedness.
Total Connectedness Index: Total Connectedness Index express the total cross-variance contribution as a percent of total variance.
Plot TO: Dynamic total directional connectedness plot.
Plot FROM: Dynamic from total directional connectedness plot.
Plot NET: Dynamic net total directional connectedness plot.