The Livingston Survey was started in 1946 by the late columnist Joseph Livingston. It is the oldest continuous survey of economists’ expectations. It summarizes the forecasts of economists from industry, government, banking, and academia. The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia took responsibility for the survey in 1990.
Dernière publication :
DĂ©cembre 2023
Prochaine publication : Juin
Forecasters Project Near-Steady Real GDP Growth and a Steady Unemployment Rate for 2024
The 23 participants in the December Livingston Survey predict higher output growth for the second half of 2023, compared with their projections in the June 2023 survey. The forecasters, who are surveyed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia twice a year, expect 3.1 percent annualized growth in real GDP during the second half of 2023. They project 1.0 percent annualized growth over the first half of 2024. The forecasters predict that real GDP will grow 1.2 percent at an annual rate in the second half of 2024, nearly the same rate they see for the first half of the year. (Source: Fed Philadelphia, 15 Dec’ 23)
RGDPX: Real Gross
Domestic Product
Billions of real dollars. Seasonally adjusted. Annual rate. Prior to the
surveys of 1992, real GNP.
GDPX: Nominal Gross
Domestic Product
Billions of dollars. Seasonally adjusted. Annual rate. Prior to the
surveys of 1992, nominal GNP.
BFIX: Real Business
Fixed Investment
Billions of real dollars. Seasonally adjusted. Annual rate. Prior to the
surveys of 1990, new plant and equipment expenditures.
CPAT: Corporate
Profits After Tax
Billions of dollars. Seasonally adjusted. Annual rate. With inventory
valuation adjustment (IVA) and capital consumption adjustment (CCAdj).
Prior to surveys of 2006, without inventory valuation adjustment and
capital consumption adjustment.
IP: Industrial
Production Index
Index level. Seasonally adjusted.
TPHS: Total Private
Housing Starts
Millions of units. Annual rate. Seasonally adjusted. Prior to the
surveys of 1969, nonfarm housing starts.
PPI: Producer Price
Index for Finished Goods
Prior to the June 2014 Livingston survey, our measure of the PPI was
that for finished goods according to the Stage of Processing (SOP)
aggregation system. Following the change in BLS’s procedures, the survey
switched to the Final Demand-Intermediate Demand (FD-ID) aggregation
system for the PPI for finished goods. Seasonally adjusted index level.
Prior to the survey of December 2004, not seasonally adjusted index
CPI: Consumer Price
Seasonally adjusted index level. Prior to the survey of December 2004,
not seasonally adjusted index level.
UNPR: Civilian
Unemployment Rate
Percentage points. Seasonally adjusted.
WMFG: Average Weekly
Earnings in Manufacturing
Dollars per week. Not seasonally adjusted.
RTTR: Nominal Retail
Sales and Food Services
Billions of dollars. Monthly rate. Seasonally adjusted. Retail sales
prior to switch from SIC to NAICS.
AUTODF: Auto Sales,
Domestic plus Imported, Retail
Millions of units. Annual rate. Seasonally adjusted.
PRIME: Prime Interest
Annualized percentage points. Forecasts are for the last day of the
TBOND: Rate on 10-year
Treasury Bond
Annualized percentage points. Constant maturity. Prior to the survey of
December 2002, rate on 30-year Treasury bond. Forecasts are for the last
day of the period.
TBILL: Rate on 3-month
Treasury Bill
Annualized percentage points. Discount basis. Secondary market.
Forecasts are for the last day of the period.
SPIF: S&P 500
stock Price Index
Index level. Forecasts are for the last day of the period.